Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Patience is a virtue when it comes to selling artwork online

I started selling visual art on the internet, uploading my photos to Imagekind. They weren't that great, but not so repulsive. We all start somewhere and we improve through practice any skill including photography or painting.  After getting a better camera (still point-and-shoot but 10.1 megapixels instead of 3.x), in 2008,  I thought that I'd start to get monthly sales.  I did, but not where I thought I would get them. I was really happy to see my second sale there this morning. Yes, second sale. Someone bought one each of the following so if you are looking for "best sellers" you should keep looking. I'm happy though and I wanted to share them.

I like Imagekind and I know they offer museum quality prints and they also offer cards and even prints on canvas however their image search doesn't work very well so having your artwork found at random isn't that likely. To succeed there and at Redbubble (which also offers T-shirts and Calendars), you need to promote your own artwork and refer people to make the purchase. 

White Iris. by Christopher Johnson
White Iris. by Christopher Johnson

This artwork is one of my first photos from 2007! You never know what will sell. You can see I wasn't that bad.

White Geraniums 4 by Christopher Johnson
White Geraniums 4 by Christopher Johnson

This one is from a long mixed color series I created in 2010.

Single White Oleander 1 by Christopher Johnson
Single White Oleander 1 by Christopher Johnson

This one is also from 2010 and also from a long series although most of them were pink.

I have had zero sales so far at Redbubble, but I started uploading there about a year later and I haven't uploaded everything because they require you to upload works one by one.

I make somewhat regular sales at Zazzle, but those sales are normally for cheap products so you need several sales to make a minimum payment. If you are interested in selling your artwork or graphic design online, I'd suggest uploading your work to several sites and see which work for you and be patient if you don't have the money to drive traffic to the sales site. No matter what, do NOT close a free shop or remove your work just because you don't have any sales at first.  It isn't like a physical gallery where space is limited!

1 comment:

  1. Your photographs are wonderful, and so crisp and clear.

    You're perfectly right about being patient where online sales are concerned ... I have stores at imagekind, Red Bubble and Zazzle (and a few others too!) and it has taken at least a couple of years to begin getting regular sales, and now they are increasing on a monthly basis, although zazzle is by far my best-selling and favourite store.

    I barely sell on imagekind although that may be because my illustrations aren't really suited for posters or large formats :) Hope to see more of your lovely photos ... am off to explore your blog further. Cheers.
