Artist Profile - Ariana Murphy
Where do you live?
I live in the beautiful Niagara region of southern Ontario, in Canada.
What is art?
Art is an expression of the human soul. It is a form of communication that transcends mere words and pictures and expresses emotions.
How did you learn to create your art?
With much practice! I have been taking pictures and writing since I was a young girl. I feel that it is only through experimentation, and a willingness to discard what doesn't work, that I can grow as an artist. I think of myself as an eager amateur.
How do you describe your artistic style(s)?
I'm not sure I have a "style". I try to show the beauty of nature, especially where others may just walk by without noticing. I look at big things, like mountains, and small things, like insects, and admire the beauty that God has put there, sometimes where it is least expected, and try to take pictures and write words in such a way that others can see it too.
What media and tools do you normally use to create art?
Just my little point and shoot camera, my laptop, and my heart.
What method do you follow to create your art?
It's simple! I just go for a walk!
Where do you create art?
In my neighbourhood, in local parks, on long drives, at the beach ...
What inspires you to create art?
The incredible diversity of nature, and the intricate detail with which it is woven together.
How do you feel when you create art?
How long does it take you (on average) to create an artwork?
Not long. My work is done, in most cases, when I have downloaded my photos. I do very few post-production touch-ups. Sifting through the images, choosing which ones to upload to my website, etc. takes a little longer.
A poem or story can take much longer. I sometimes work for weeks on a written work, but then other times it seems to flow out of me like a stream of light.
What are your favorite subjects for creating art?
Nature, especially flowers and trees.
What are your favorite artworks?
I have a new favourite almost every time I take out my camera!
What suggestions do you have for new artists?
Keep practicing your art, and learn from other artists in your field.
Who are your favorite artists?
I am shamefully ignorant of the work of other photographers except for those that also post to the sites where I post my work. Except for Ansell Adams, and everybody says him.
In poetry, I am very fond of the classical poets like Shelley.
Who influences your art the most?
My husband, with his unflagging support and encouragement, his discerning eye, and his patience.
What is the first thing you think when you look at your art work from 1-3 years ago and how has your work changed since you started creating?
I like to think that I have improved in composition and attention to detail.
Do you live off of your art income?
I wish!
If you've sold art to people other than family and close friends, what marketing did you carry out to obtain those sales?
I have sold two greeting cards on Imagekind in the past year. I am working at promoting my site through Facebook and a blog.
What do you do when you aren't creating or marketing your art?
Besides being a housewife and mother, I operate a couple of small businesses in partnership with my husband.

Do you have any regrets as an artist?
I regret I can't afford a better camera.
Where to find Ariana's art:
Zazzle Store:
CafePress Store:
Imagekind Gallery:
Other sites:
Social Media
Facebook Profile: http://
Facebook Fan or Group Page : http://
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