Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Green Stripes Kaleidoscopes Geometric ArtArte Abstracto y Geometrico Tipo Calidoscopio de Lineas Verdes

In this post, I wanted to share my favorite green stripes kaleidoscope artworks.  I was inspired to make them by looking at some photos I took a few years ago and I really liked the colors on a shirt in one photo. After enhancing the contrast and a few other tricks I had a pattern to play with.

Green Stripes Kaleidoscope Art 5

Green Stripes Kaleidoscope Art 5
This is one that especially appeals to me. I guess I just like the shape more. Perhaps you'll understand why by looking at it.

Here are three others I thought were nice.

Green Stripes Kaleidoscope Art 8Green Stripes Kaleidoscope Art 8

Green Stripes Kaleidoscope Art 4Green Stripes Kaleidoscope Art 4

Green Stripes Kaleidoscope Art 6Green Stripes Kaleidoscope Art 6
En esta entrada quise compartir mi arte favorito calidoscopio de lineas verdes. Fueron inspirados por los colores de una camisa en una foto que tomé hace unos años.  Aumente el contraste y algunos detalles mas. Luego luego estaba jugando con las formas geométricas.

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