Here is my first artwork or as I like to say artistic photo from yesterday's zoo trip. The challenge here was to make it attractive since the spider monkey is behind a glass wall and the rest of the cage is an ugly wire mesh. Also I noticed that it looks like the log in the original photo appears to be coming out of its behind instead of ending at the cage so I edited out the distraction and the cage background. The other problem is that the spider monkey was going the wrong way so I turned him around
Here is the original photo so you can compare. :-) Don't forget to comment!
Ayer me fui al zoológico y aunque me hace falta acercar bien a los objetos lejanos, logre sacar unas fotos buenas. Como un reto personal decidi hacer arte con los monos arañas aunque el sol estaba fuerte.
Aqui es mi primera obra de arte, o sea foto artistica de mi paseo al "zoo". El reto es hacer atractiva la foto aunque esta atras de vidrio en una jaula de alambre. Aparte hay elementos como el palo que parece salir de su trasero (les aseguro que es! las fotos engañen). Finalmente tuvé que voltearlo para mejorar la imagen.
¿Como ven?
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